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Places to go
- Which restaurants serve Yudofu, Yuba, Namafu?
- Where are the place related with Ryoma Sakamoto (and Shintaro Nakaoka)?
- Where are places related with Michizane Sugawara?
- Where is the famous place for hydrangea?
- Is there a place where you can get tea?
- Where is the famous place to relate to Mitsuhide Akechi?
- What are some easily accessible sightseeing spots for travelers with Disabled?
- What are the operating hours for the Koudaiji Temple light-up event?
- What are the operating hours for the Toji Temple light-up event?
- What is Sanzenin Temple?
- What is Nanzenji Temple?
- What is the closest station to Kenninji Temple?
- Is there a discount at sightseeing spot by showing a subway and bus one -day ticket in Kyoto?
- Is there a place where you can see the tumulus in Kyoto?
- Where is famokus shrine for recovery from illness?