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Where can I smoke in Kyoto City?
Smoking on streets and sidewalks is very dangerous. Kyoto City ordinances have banned smoking outside of designated areas on all streets of the city. Furthermore, persons who smoke in designated nonsmoking areas will be fined 1,000 yen. Please smoke only in designated smoking areas.
*The following areas of Kyoto City have been designated non-smoking:
The city's central area, Kyoto Station and surrounding area, Kiyomizu and Gion areas
> See more here:
In Kyoto, you can find "Kyoto City Public Smoking area". Smokers are asked to smoke inside that area.
*The following areas of Kyoto City have been designated non-smoking:
The city's central area, Kyoto Station and surrounding area, Kiyomizu and Gion areas
> See more here:
In Kyoto, you can find "Kyoto City Public Smoking area". Smokers are asked to smoke inside that area.