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Events &Festivals
Where can I buy the Chimaki at the Gion Festival?
Chimaki for each Yamahoko is awarded at the store in Hokomachi for each Yamahoko during the Yoiyama period.
For details such as the date and time of this year's store in each Yamaboko, please see the Gion Festival Yamaboko Association website.
▼Gion Festival Yamaboko Association
In addition, Yasaka Shrine's chimaki is also awarded at the Yasaka Shrine office during the Gion Festival.
For details, please see the Yasaka Shrine website.
▼Yasaka Shrine
For details such as the date and time of this year's store in each Yamaboko, please see the Gion Festival Yamaboko Association website.
▼Gion Festival Yamaboko Association
In addition, Yasaka Shrine's chimaki is also awarded at the Yasaka Shrine office during the Gion Festival.
For details, please see the Yasaka Shrine website.
▼Yasaka Shrine