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  • About This Site

    About This Site

    This site compiles frequently asked questions and various documents on sightseeing in Kyoto.
    It contains an unparalleled collection of over 700 FAQs, which are based on the expertise gained from handling inquiries at the Kyoto Tourist Information Centre (Kyo-Navi).
    Under the tab for downloading materials, you will find PDF documents and sightseeing maps distributed at tourist information centers, as well as leaflets on facilities and services provided by the members of Kyoto City Association.
    By using this website, you can obtain the information you want without having to visit the tourist information center. Please make use of it while planning and enjoying your trip!


Kyoto Online <br />Tourist Information Center

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Places to go

What is Kawadoko and Yuka?

A seat that overhangs from the eaves of a restaurant along the river to the river side.
It is one of the summer traditions in Kyoto. There are "Nouryou-Yuka at Kamogawa", "Kawadoko at Kibune", "Kawadoko at Takao", and "Keiryo-yuka at Syozan".
Each area has a different atmosphere, and you can enjoy with the dishes that each restaurant boasts.
By the Kamogawa river, it is called "Nouryou-yuka", and Kibune is called "Kibune no Kawadoko". Kibune has a pier right above the river, so it is exceptionally cool.

▼ Click here for the Kawadoko and Yuka

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